PPR Estates – Bespoke Site Search

26 October, 2020

PPR Estates is an investment firm based in London, with a focus on identifying opportunities for development and the repositioning of real-estate in the south-east of England.

For this commission, PPR tasked Urban Intelligence to identify properties or land suitable for the development of a well-known supermarket brand. Urban Intelligence worked closely with the client to identify a set of requirements for sites, with criteria ranging from the closest town’s population to detailed information over the site’s ownership.

By commissioning Urban Intelligence, PPR was seeking to build a portfolio of suitable sites at a greater rate of accuracy, speed and efficiency than afforded through a traditional approach.

Our Process

  1. Create a bespoke algorithm

    To identify suitable sites, UI created a bespoke algorithm to search a total of 196,047 land parcels to identify areas for development according to PPR’s requirements.

  2. Shortlist high-quality sites

    Through using a combination of both open and licenced data, UI was able to reduce this to 44 high-quality sites that met the client’s requirements in terms of size, ownership, location and current land use.

  3. Score shortlisted sites

    To further aid the client with assessing these 44 sites, using Urban Intelligence’s proprietary SiteScore software sites were given scores depending on planning policy or environmental constraints, as well as the existing use of the site.

  4. Adjustments

    Following discussions with PPR, site requirements were subject to minor adjustments. Due to UI’s data-driven approach, these changes were able to be seamlessly implemented, giving an instant update to the results.


Using Urban Intelligence’s geospatial analysis, in collaboration with the firm’s knowledge of the planning and development sector, this assessment ensured PPR was equipped with all the information required to make an effective investment decision.

PPR also saved considerable time in both site searching and due diligence thanks to UI’s innovative approach. As a result of UI’s investigation, PPR has now commenced discussions with vendors of the identified sites.

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